
Nature Bourne

Our Forest School stay-and-play group starting September 2023.

Develop a love for the outdoors by attending our weekly stay-and—play sessions lead by our qualified Forest School Practitioner Heather.



Held at Magpie Bottom Nature Reserve, Heather will run a session each week at this What3words location: misty.bids.shirts

Tuesdays 9.30-11am

Each 1.5 hour session will consist of a story and/or a song, crafts and activities related to the story or song and free refreshments for parent and child.

As an experienced Forest School Practitioner, Heather will introduce you to the wonder of nature throughout the seasons teaching you and your children about plants, insects and birds and the world around us; building your confidence in the outdoors and learning new skills.

These sessions are best suited to children who are mobile up to 4 years old. Tickets are purchased for the child, parents and babes in arms go free with a child’s ticket.

There is a stream and pond on site. Children are the parent/carer’s responsibility at all times.

Please dress appropriately for the weather: all in one suits are great for wet weather but more layers would be needed in the winter. During hotter weather, light-weight longs sleeves and trousers are recommended to protect from scratches and bug bites.

There are no toilets on site but there is a public toilet on Hanham high street.

How do I book a session?

You can book for the whole term using the link below. Termly bookings are £6 per week for the first child and £4 for each additional child. Due to the nature of these sessions, we are only offering this to parents and primary carers, no childminders at this time. Thanks for your understanding.

We offer limited ad hoc bookings where space allows. These sessions are £7 for the first child and £5 for each additional child.

Simply click the date on the calendar to book a specific ad hoc session.


Where can I park?

There are many ways to access Magpie Bottom Nature Reserve from surrounding streets. We ask that you are considerate of residents living in the area when finding a place to park. The site has some steep areas but many pathed ways into the reserve.

If you have any difficulties booking please contact Heather -


Heather May

Heather is a qualified forest school leader with over two decades of experience working with children, young people and families.

Being outdoors is her happy place and she is looking forward to sharing this enthusiasm more widely!